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Parish and Town Council Newsletter Autumn 2024

The Autumn 2024 Parish and Town Council Newsletter is now available! Discover exciting community projects, opportunities for funding, tree planting initiatives, health checks, and scam alerts. Stay updated on how your local council is making a difference and get involved today!

Published: 22 September 2024

A new edition of the Parish and Town Council Newsletter for Autumn 2024 is now available! Here’s a brief overview of what’s included:

  • Tree Planting and Woodland Creation: Learn about how local parishes are getting involved with community orchards and woodland projects. There’s funding available through the Coronation Living Heritage Fund for tree planting in public spaces.
  • Scambuster Alerts: Stay informed about the latest scams and how to protect yourself via Lancashire Trading Standards. Follow their Facebook page for updates.
  • NHS Health Checks Outreach: Free NHS Health Checks are available to anyone aged 40-74 to help identify potential health risks early on.
  • Lancashire Rural Housing Partnership: Is your village in need of affordable housing? The Rural Housing Enabler Service is offering support to parish councils in Fylde, Wyre, Lancaster, Ribble Valley, and beyond.
  • Community Highlights: Celebrating the wonderful community-driven projects happening across Lancashire, from village hall refurbishments to creating football pitches and wildlife areas.

For more details, check the full newsletter and find out how you can get involved!


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